Welcome Beautiful One,  I am so happy to connect with you!
Being Your Light
This meeting place is created as an intimate container, from my heart to yours.  A place where our hearts connect and where we are deeply seen for the truth of who we are.  We remember our truth as the Light of Consciousness that dwells in each of us. It is our innate divine birthright.  Our awareness that we are so much greater.  That we are body, mind, emotion and soul/spirit.  It is now time that our Soul finds its permanent home in our hearts, to live and lead as One and emanate our unique Light into the world. Together we shine and share our light, our love, our glory, our freedom and our peace and harmony for the greater good of all. Let's explore and play together. Let's be bold, lets trust our inner knowing, our intuition, our little nudges. Let's reach out, be vulnerable and share our truths.  It's time to be authentic, it's time to be real.  It's time to fully step into the truth of who we are and why we are here now.  So many blessings, deep love and appreciation to those who will read these words.   Be You, dear one.
Who Am I, what is my purpose, why do I feel a deep disconnect?...
My Journey so far
These questions and others like these, have driven me to seek for greater truth to my own very existence. It has taken me down many paths and experiences, each revealing more slivers of self discovery. As I share with you today, my greatest passion is living in a joyful connected state with my Soul essence and navigate my life from this higher wisdom perspective. As a wife, mother, daughter, sister, friend, therapist, coach and many other roles I have participated in, the greatest role is the one I have spent a lifetime seeking and cultivating behind the scenes. It is the relationship with my true love, myself, my higher self, my Soul. I now know my truth and have made many discoveries and realizations along the path to my greatest Self. The journey has been joyful and weary and everything in-between...just as a good journey ought to be. And although there's no end to growth and infinite expansion, there seems to be a moment when time stops and clarity dawns and we just know something we didn't a moment before. Its been here all along, I have been here all along, just waiting for the moment to be noticed. I am honored and humbled for the opportunity to facilitate and energetically support another's self inquiry for greater clarity and alignment to their unique inner truth. Unlimited potential, freedom, joy, peace, love and abundance in all life areas is our birthright and our destiny when living and leading in our own Soul's wisdom and Light. New paradigms are birthed and living in joy becomes the new way of Being. When we choose to live our unique divine soul expression, we co-create the experience of Heaven on Earth for All. Blessings!